back in the saddle

2.5 months away from stationary cycling, it’s time to get back into shape (or getting into getting into shape).  That’s a long while to be away from anything.  Have I forgotten how?

This morning was day four on the Peloton, a 60 minute heart rate endurance ride.  Boy do my hamstrings feel it.   My power output has dropped by 10% to 20% depending on the ride.  I had hoped to take the power zone endurance ride at 9:30.  I’m not feeling it just now.

What fun it was holding my spot on the leader board and moving past the next ahead of me now and then.  This is great cardio exercise and good for leg muscle tone as well.  Christine’s song list was the perfect motivation in the moment.  As usual, once the class was over, I couldn’t remember a single song that went by.  I remember my effort and the people on the leaderboard ahead and behind.  For any song, I’d match my cadence with the song’s beat and focus on maintaining a relaxed even pedal stroke and even breaths; very much like meditation.  Clear the mind, be in the moment.

It is a remarkable way to start the day.

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