Ellen, Hilton Head, JJ, Peloton, minor “win”

Image result for hilton head marina

Hilton Head Marina, SC

Image result for palmetto bluff

Palmetto Bluff, SC

Hilton Head

Jess asked Ellen if she was free to visit for a week in early September.  Ryan is taking a week’s trip and Jess would love the company.  Ellen loves Jess, Ryan, and Ariana, their daughter and would love to visit Hilton Head for a week.

We have plans for a North West US RV  trip this fall.  A trip to Hilton Head could complicate our travels by pushing our travel dates out another week or two.  Typical of us, we do not make hard plan when we travel by RV.  There are no reservations to cancel.  Ellen asked if it was OK for her to go, “Of course you can go if you want.”

The last time we visited Ryan was ecstatic about a trip to Tampa to look at and perhaps purchase another boat.  He is a master a taking a good looking working boat and making it “special” by adding functional details that enhance a boat. Jess was somewhat disappointed when he sold the first boat he rebuilt and more aggravated when he talked about selling his current boat, which he also modified.  He plans to bring “the perfect” boat back from Tampa and no doubt make it “more perfect”.  Practically everything Ryan touches turns into money.  It is not luck, he has an eye for turning a profit.

There’s a nervous truce between sailors and power boaters.  I love the quiet of a sailboat running afore the wind and the feeling that the entire world is accessible by sail.  That is anathema to most power boaters and Hilton Head has more than its share, Ryan among them.  I do love being on the water and offshore fishing.  For me power boating is just fine.  I’d probably be happy bobbing around in a 50 gallon drum.    

So while Ryan is on his adventure, Ellen will be on her adventure with Jessica and Ari-NaNa.  I’d go too (I enjoy Hilton Head), but it’s a girl’s thing really.  I’d much rather go after Ryan returns with his next project.  Each of his boats has been a few feet longer than the last.  I wonder what he will return with.



Pretty Great 15-18 Second Output


Today’s live classes were either short (20 or 30 min) or with a “Live DJ”, with the commensurate bopping around, bike dancing, care-free free wheelin’.  Live DJ rides are not for me.  I took a 45 min JJ On Demand 80’s ride that had 53 live riders when I started.  When I finished there were 111 of us.  As usual I climbed the leader board slowly catching and passing a bevy of 30 and 50 year olds, a mix of women and men.  It’s odd, but the 40 year olds are harder riders.   Two of them passed me in the 45 minutes.  One hauled ass by and kept going.  The other slowly crept up as I passed people, he gained.  Eventually he was gone too.  They both motivated me. Surprisingly I gained on one of them, but gave up catching him as he sped off.  Funny all this dynamic catching and passing is taking place on a stationary cycle!

I did not feel like today’s ride was exemplary.  JJ had us do six 15 to 20 second pushes at a high resistance and cadence.  I hit 124 rpm at over 55 resistance, but could not maintain  497 kj for long.  The ride statistics bore this out, nothing special: not average cadence, resistance, speed, or output.  However the power curve showed just how hard those short pushes were. This ride had the best 15-18 second output of all of 2018 including rides on Chanda’s “magic bike”.

The graph above shows today’s ride in purple and the best output for all rides in 2018 in light gray.  The two intersect at the 15-20 second interval which means that today’s ride had the best output for that timespan this year.  Yay. 

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